How’s it Hangin’!?
Hey there, Everyone! Happy Wednesday!. We’ve got a brand new blog post prepared for guys that we hope will help your daily diet. Want to see what I’m talking about. Well let’s check the agenda!
- How Different Food Groups Affect You!
We always want to create content that will help all of us be better and do better, so hopefully this helps someone out there who needs a little information on all of this confusing dietary stuff!
How Different Food Groups Affect You!
We’ve all heard of the different food groups, and that we need them to be healthy, right? But have any of you actually wondered why we need all these different types of food? Well wonder no further, because I have the answers for you! Before we get going I want to say that everybody is different! Not everybody requires the same amount of food or even all the same amount of nutrients, but this information is for the average person, and can be beneficial to know. Alright, let’s get started!
- Fruits & Veggies:
Fruits and Veggies are considered some of the most healthy foods you can eat because it is your largest source of vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. Not only this, but they tend to carry phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are considered an anti-inflammatory, and are known to carry anti-cancer properties, repair our DNA, and detoxify our immune system. So, make sure you’re getting those fruits and veggies in!
- Whole Grains:
Whole grains are often avoided for having too many carbs, but don’t forget about your whole grain foods because these help so much with the inner workings of us. Whole grains are known to aid digestion, control our appetites, reduce cholesterol, remove toxins from our guts, improve digestive system function, and even aid in the making of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, and other chemical messengers in our brains. In order to feel the full extent of what whole grains have to offer try avoiding refined grains like white bread and other similar products. Instead you can try brown rice, oats, quinoa, and so many more!

- Protein:
Gotta love our protein right! They help build muscle, but they do so much more. Proteins help with regulation of blood sugar/ insulin balance, produce hormones that regulate mood and sleep, detoxify, create connective tissue, promote wound healing, and also, yeah, it helps build muscle (p.s. That’s not even all of it, but there’s too much to add it all)! When eating proteins make sure you’re getting a good mix of different kinds, and if you’re turning to meats for protein try to get leaner cuts for more health benefits. Examples of protein include fish, poultry, meats, nuts, seeds, along with some diaries like milk, cheese, and yogurt! There are so many options so there’s no excuse to not get that protein.
- Fats & Oils:
Fats and oils aren’t very popular in the world of diet culture, but don’t fear! Fats and oils can often be very beneficial for your body. They actually can help insulate organs, provide materials for making hormones, transport fat soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K), aid the body in using glucose more effectively, contribute to healthier joints, and also facilitate immune system function. All of these benefits are found in fats and oils, but choose wisely. You’re going to want to choose beneficial fats such as salmon, avocado, pumpkin seeds, tofu, and some dark green vegetables.

We hope you guys enjoyed this one. It was so interesting to research and learn more about, and hopefully it can help some of you improve your diet, or find better alternatives to foods you may currently want to substitute with better options.
Au Revior
Thank you for reading today! Every single one of you who reads this makes all the difference for us here at LAKI, so again thank you! We’ll see you guys next time for another blog post!
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