Welcome Back
Here’s another blog post for you guys. We hope everyone had a weekend, and that all of you have stayed safe and healthy. With the rest of the holidays approaching, and with it, the cold weather, we wanted to give you guys a blog post that you can refer back to while the chill sets in. Wanna see what we have in store for you? Let’s check out the agenda:
- LAKI News: Giveaway
- 5 tips for working out in cold weather
Now that you know what you’ve gotten yourselves into this week, let’s get started.
Did you hear about the giveaway? Wanna know how to you enter? We have health challenges set from now until the 20th of November, all you have to do is post a video or pic of you doing our challenge, and you’ll be entered every time you do one of our challenges. Want to know what you’re winning? You’ll be winning a LAKI duffel, ark leggings, and a crop-tee, along with a Peachy Inc. water jug + cocktail pre-workout, and DynamiActive band set! Doesn’t that sound amazing?! Make sure to do those challenges along with us because this giveaway is to die for!

This giveaway only has a couple days left, so get to those challenges, and make sure to tag us so you can be entered in!
5 Tips for Working Outside in Cold Weather
Once the cold weather comes around it’s so easy to feel unmotivated and come up with excuses to stop working out. In fact, Americans’ exercise habits tend to always dip once fall and winter hit, and then start to rise again when spring and summer return.
Here at LAKI we want to make sure we are always striving to be better, and do better (psst that means exercising year-round even in the cold). So here are a few tips you can use to make sure that you are getting all the exercise you need while also staying safe and prepared for the harsh colds that November and December bring with them.
Tip #1: Know the Signs of Frostbite and Hypothermia
It seems a little bit extreme, but it’s always useful to know in case of emergencies. Frostbite usually affects small exposed body parts such as fingertips and toes. If you experience numbness, tingling, or loss of feeling in any exposed areas, head inside and slowly warm (don’t rub as this can damage skin) the area.
Hypothermia is when your overall body is losing heat faster than it can produce it leading to your body reaching dangerously low temperatures. Hypothermia can show itself through intense shivering, slurred speech, loss of coordination, and fatigue. If you experience any of these signs head to a warm area, remove any wet clothing, and insulate/warm yourself with blankets. If you continue having these symptoms call 911 to receive the right help.
Tip #2: Start Small
Don’t underestimate the cold weather! It’s totally okay to start small. If you’re used to running 4 miles try running 2. It’s good to test out how your body is affected by the cold weather. You don’t want to fatigue yourself, or cause any unneeded injuries.

Tip #3: Stay Hydrated
Sweat is harder to spot in the winter since you’re so bundled up, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t sweating. In fact you’re probably sweating just as much as you would in the summer. Meaning you’re losing just as much water! So don’t forget to drink up to prevent dehydration.
Tip #4: Cover Your Head, Fingers, and Toes
Did you know a large percentage of your body heat is lost through your head? Well now you do, so make sure you wear a hat when it’s cold outside! We should also mention that blood flow to smaller limbs like fingers and toes is very limited, so they’re much more susceptible to frostbite. Try wearing warm gloves and some winter socks to avoid getting frostbite in your fingers and toes.
Tip #5: Wear the Right Clothes
When working out outdoors it’s important that you don’t underdress or overdress. It’s common for people to overheat in the winter as a result of dressing too warmly. The solution? Wear layers! This will allow you to prevent overheating as you will be able to remove layers when hot. Avoid fabric that holds moisture. Wear shoes with lots of traction to avoid slipping on snow or ice.
I don’t know about you, but I will definitely be using these tips this winter so that I can stay active all year round! We hope you guys learned something new today, and if you have any other tips don’t hesitate to add them to the comments below!
Until Next Week
That’s all for this week you guys. Make sure to come back next week for another blog post!
Make sure to follow us on all our social media platforms for an even wider range of content and info! We are @lakiactive on all social media platforms.
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